Thursday, June 26, 2014

More on Work and Resilience

Developing the attitude of resilience in the workplace.

 In the last two blogs, we discussed ways of making the work environment a more positive place to be. We pointed out the importance of resilience skills and being able to connect with others, communicate effectively, take a flexible approach toward problems, evaluate the value and purpose of your work and deal with the strong feelings that work may bring up. In this blog, I want to talk about more things that you can do to try to get involved in your organization in a positive way. Pro-action is usually a better way to go than simply reacting. When we are proactive, we usually feel we have more control than if we are reactive and we usually do. Feeling that we have some control over our lives and that we are not helpless in the face of change will usually mean that we are less likely to feel depressed and unhappy. We also need to take care of ourselves. This can mean in many organizations taking advantage of the resources that are offered through Wellness programs. Unfortunately, a relatively small number of employees do this, approximately a third. Check out what your organization has to offer. It may include gym memberships, seminars on weight management and exercise, or programs that help you manage your finances. Financial issues are a major stressor for most Americans. Take advantage of what is available. Taking care of others is, in general, a way of taking care of ourselves. The process tends to build our own resilience. Getting involved in volunteer efforts and campaigns is a great idea. This is another way of adding meaning and purpose to your life. Work is an important part of our lives, but it should not be our lives. Work-life balance means that we have a life outside of work. Employers should recognize this, and work-life balance should not just be a phrase that they put in a brochure or a manual describing the company. As the old saying goes, “In ten years no one is going to remember that you worked that Saturday.” But your son or your daughter may remember that day as the day that they scored the winning run that you missed or that they did their first dance recital. And most of all, don’t forget about humor. Hopefully, you have a sense of humor. Take time to step back from work. To laugh at yourself and at the absurd things that sometimes happen at work. As the old saying goes, “Don’t take work too seriously. It’s just a job.” So to sum it all up, your values and your organization’s values should complement each other. Take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and financially. Get involved in a proactive way with your organization. Manage the strong feelings that come up at work. Don’t ignore them or deny them. Take care of others and keep your sense of humor. Making your organization a psychologically healthy and positive place to work is the responsibility of both the organization and the employee...YOU. -Dr. Ron Breazeale

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