Saturday, December 12, 2009


As we all are aware from the headlines, the percentage of people who are unemployed in our society has continued to grow. The rate remains over 10 percent and will most likely be that high or higher for the immediate future. For so many, this is a personal tragedy that can devastate an individual but also their family and their community. Getting back to work often requires that people network, build on the connections they have with others, be willing to be flexible in the way in which they deal with the job market and work to rebuild their sense of confidence in themselves. The skills and the attitudes of resilience can play a critical role in helping an individual find and maintain a new job or a new career.

1 comment:

  1. You have packed a small post with big truth. Resilience can be learned, and choosing which people to spend more time with can make a huge difference in raising confidence and hope of bettering a tough situation. If you're interested, there is an article at Educanopy which speaks of this, and gives some tips for nurturing helpful connections:

    You are spot on, saying that "skills and the attitudes of resilience can play a critical role in helping an individual find and maintain a new job or a new career." Hope to see more teaching here, with steps to accomplish that. Good luck, everyone.
