What holds our society and our communities together, especially during hard times? It certainly isn’t the foolish behavior on Wall Street that got our society into the present recession. The “Greed is Good” mantra does little to hold our society together and much to tear it apart. Those who support the “more is better” philosophy and oppose regulation and restraint are out front leading the band when things are going well, but often disappear from sight when things go south. Those who are left to try to pick up the pieces and put things back together are the folks who work in the public sector. They are the educator and the teacher who are increasingly playing the role of parent. They are the social services directors trying to provide more services with less money and fewer staff. They are the police officer playing the role of social worker/counselor because no one else will. They are the employment counselor trying to instill hope in a 55-year-old who has lost his job of 30 years. They are the glue that holds our society together.
Ron Breazeale, Ph.D.
Author, Duct Tape Isn’t Enough
Ron Breazeale, Ph.D.
Author, Duct Tape Isn’t Enough
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