Duct Tape Isn't Enough is divided into six modules. The first defines resilience and reviews the skills and attitudes that build and maintain resilience. In the second Module, I give you an opportunity to "take your inventory" through a series of questions that ask you to examine the skills and attitudes that you've utilized in dealing with adversity in the past. We ask you to focus on what you have learned from the past about yourself and from the role models that you have had, both good and bad.
The third Module focuses on teaching resilience skills and attitudes through storytelling. The Module utilizes Reaching Home as a tool for learning and teaching these skills. Reaching Home is a novel about conquering fear that I wrote and released in the fall of 2006. It has a love story, is fast paced, and doesn't take itself too seriously. There are no superheroes in this story, just ordinary people living their lives as best they can. They allow the blemishes and the vices of the average person as well as the courage and strength that all human beings possess. There are discussion questions about the author's comments to help you look at and better understand how the characters in the novel are making use of or not making use of resilience skills and attitudes. You are encouraged, in this section of the workbook, to put down in black and white your own story.
In the fourth Module, you will have the opportunity to develop your own plan for building your resilience. We encourage you to develop a SMART PLAN that is SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME SPECIFIC. To assist you in this process we provide Module focuses o skill #10, taking care of yourself.
Modules 5 and 6 focuses on resilience skill #11, helping others. Teaching others the skills and the attitudes that you have learned. This module focuses on how to integrate these skills into the activities that you are presently doing. You are asked to look at the challenges that you will face in doing this and to develop a plan for maintaining your own resilience while assissting others in building theirs. In Module 6, we review the resources available to assist you in developing discussion groups, classes or workshops in resilience. This includes descriptions and contact information regarding videos you may want to use in your discussion group or workshop, different formats for presentations, tips on working with various groups such as fire, police, healthcare and information on how to obtain copies of the power points tht we use and a DVD of my presentation of the modules. We have also put the course online and would encourage anyone who would like to be a trainer to complete the online Train-the-Trainer course. For more details about the course and materials that we have developed go to our website at www.reachinghome.com.
To be continued...
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